The Christmas Party
It is amazing that we don't realize how sick we are or how we look until an outsider stares at us or looks away in horror. When I walked into the party, people gasped at my appearance. I was so swollen that they were offering me seats and pillows and could they get me anything. Nobody at home had acted so shocked and concerned about my pain and discomfort. I figured out that I was pretty sick by the looks on their faces.
In about 10 days it would be time to go to the hospital but first one last check -up. The Dr. was insistent that I go that night, there were signs of distress. So I went home to pack up and be at the hospital by 7pm. No word from my husband. He knew how close I was but he didn't care. He stopped off at the tavern and never called me or anything. I had no choice but to drive myself to the hospital. I checked in and they started prepping me for the next day C-Section.
About 10:30 or 11:00 that night he showed up acting all surprised and asking me why I didn't try to call hm. I told him to go home and not to bother coming back. He hung around but I would not answer him, other than to tell him where the car was parked. I just turned over and watched him through the window as he left. It was nothing new to me to face things alone, even though, it felt lonely sometimes. I could do it by myself, I knew that. "Be Strong" was my middle name.
The next morning I was wheeled into the surgical wing of the hospital. No one was there to hold my hand or tell me they loved me and would be there when I came out. I just went on alone.
During the C-Section I started to feel like the anesthetic was traveling up my body and I was concerned about not knowing when to breathe. The anesthetist had given me too much medication for my size as he had only considered my actual weight which was water weight. I did stop breathing and had to be resuscitated. I pulled through and the baby was born and I was stitched up and sent to recovery for the night. I had to be watched 24 hours. While in recovery the pediatrician stopped to see and had some bad news to give me. My baby's bilirubin was high and she did look jaundiced. The worst message was the she had a heart defect and I would need to have her followed by a heart surgeon at the Children's Center. Thank goodness they had me on pain medication because that news could have thrown me over the edge of my endurance if not. I just laid there thinking about what the future might have in store of all of us.
My husband showed up after that and I was in no mood to see him. I was in pain and my heart was hurt too. I told him to go away. I wouldn't take no for answer. The nurse finally told him that my blood pressure was rising and he should probably let me rest. I would be in the hospital for 2 more weeks. I was only too happy to be there at least I got some rest and no harassment for two whole weeks. What a blessing!
I did learn later that my Dr. did tell my husband that there was absolutely no way I could have any more children or I would most likely die and so would the baby. He was advised to get a vasectomy to make sure that there were no future pregnancies. Would he do it?
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